Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holidays Without Family!!!!

   Happy Holidays!!
 Time passes fast another Thanksgiving and Christmas is among us........Its been an eventful year and I have alot to be thankful for.....Holidays and family is synonymous.....Cant remember the last time I spent time with mine which is strange because my family is so big....I've come to replace that void with my wife and close friends.....Though I still yearn for those stuffed bell peppers, bowls of gumbo, turkey and everything else that we consider a traditional New Orleans Holiday meal.......As an adult I choose to start my own traditions and plan to build my own family traditions and vow to do everything in my power to keep us tight knit.....So with that said bring on the turkey,football games,holiday movies and black Friday traffic.......To my Family Happy Holidays............Realifeish

1 comment:

  1. Aww I miss you too!!! We should make it a point to have Christmas in NO next year with all that!!! Please don't replace us!! We love you!!!
