Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Save Thanksgiving!!!!

Recieved this e-mail and thought it was interesting............Thanksgiving and Christmas are two of the worlds biggest shopping days,Other than my favorite "Income Tax Day" stores to open up later is taking money out of their pockets and quite frankly it sounds too much like right......Mighty strange that Target employees are starting all this hoopla, Wally World workers are quiet and making that Holiday pay....Realifeish lets get it.........
Join Anthony's massive campaign to save Thanksgiving for families. Ask Target to open at 5AM, not midnight, on Black Friday.
Sign the Petition
Dear david,
Anthony Hardwick's campaign to save Thanksgiving from the holiday shopping arms race has made headlines in literally thousands of media outlets around the country -- and sparked a national conversation about protecting family time on Thanksgiving.
To recap: Last week, Anthony, a Target employee from Omaha, started a petition asking Target to move back its Black Friday opening time from midnight on Thanksgiving to (the somewhat less crazy) 5 a.m., so that thousands of workers and shoppers could have Thanksgiving dinner with their families. 
Nearly 100,000 people have signed, and more than 50 other petitions have been started asking stores like Best Buy and Macy's to move back their openings, too. Will you add your name to Anthony's petition?
Anthony's campaign is already making huge strides: Several of Target's competitors, like J.C. Penney and Sears, have now proudly announced that they're opening later to give workers time to celebrate the holiday with loved ones. And there's no doubt that Target and others will think twice before opening so early next year. 
It's up to you to keep up the pressure. Please sign Anthony's petition and forward this email to everyone you know: 
Thanks for being a change-maker,
- Jess and the team
P.S. Here are some of the other top petitions this week: 
  1. Rick Melargni is a Best Buy employee from Tampa, Florida. He started a petition on asking Best Buy to not open at midnight on Thanksgiving so families can share the holiday together. 
  2. Monique White lost her job as a youth counselor at a group home in Minnesota after state budget cuts. Now she's fighting to stop US Bank from evicting her from her foreclosed home. Sign Monique's petition to keep her home from US Bank.
  3. Shawn Ambrose bought a ticket on a Greyhound bus for his daughter in college -- but because the ticket was a gift, Greyhound charged him an extra $18 fee. Sign Shawn's petition asking Greyhound to cancel its $18 "gift fee" for families traveling during the holidays
  4. Students at the University of Nevada want to save their school's "working farm" -- one of the few left in the country, where students can learn about farming and agriculture. Sign Wendy Baroli's petition to stop the school from destroying the farm
  5. "Pancho" Ramos-Stierle was arrested on Monday morning while meditating in a peaceful protest at the Occupy Wall Street movement in Oakland, California. But because he's undocumented, he faces deportation. His friends started a petition asking immigration officials to release Pancho immediately.
  6. An Oklahoma man brutally injured a horse after dragging it behind his ATV. Now a group called "Hand 4 Paws" is asking a judge to impose the maximum sentence in the case.  

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